1. Priority Issue: - Anti-social behaviour on Scalby Lane, Gilberdyke
Action: - Following complaints of Anti-social behaviour the team are actively working to reduce incidents of this nature in order to improve the quality of life for the residents of Gilberdyke.
Anyone witnessing anti-social behaviour is asked to call in with details. Howdenshire Neighbourhood Policing team will aim to respond to all calls for service in relation to this priority. Any incidents that are not attended will be investigated and followed up by the team.
Positive action will be taken against anyone engaging in anti-social behaviour.
East Riding of Yorkshire council anti-social behaviour team also investigate reports of anti-social behaviour the 2 teams will be working together along with other agencies to target the issue.
An Anti-social behaviour order has recently been obtained in respect of a local youth; any breaches of this order will be dealt with positively.
In September 2010 a youth was verbally abusive to a PCSO from the Neighbourhood Policing Team. He then ran off from the scene. He was located very quickly and was charged to Goole youth Court.
On 10th October 2010 officers from the NPT were called to a report of a male causing a nuisance in the area. He was interviewed and issued with a £80 Penalty Notice for disorder.
Officers are currently investigating a report of a disturbance at the play park, Clementhorpe Road in Gilberdyke. Several youths have been arrested and interviewed and are currently on bail pending further enquiries.
A female was arrested for assaulting a police officer in the early part of November 2010 and she too is on police bail pending further enquiries.
On 12th November 2010 a 15 year old male was arrested by officers from the NPT regarding verbal abuse in the area of Station Road, Gilberdyke and he has been summonsed to appear at Goole and Howden Youth Court in the near future.
On 29th of November 2010 an 18 year old male was arrested by officers from the NPT for Section 5 Public Order. The male was issued with a £80 Penalty Notice for disorder.
Officers from the NPT have concentrated their patrols in this area and will continue to do so. Anyone who acts in a disorderly manner can expect to be dealt with firmly. Our patrols will include the use of arrest powers and the consideration of the use of £80 penalty notices for disorder to anyone causing nuisance at these sites. Regular patrols will be made on an evening to reassure the public and to send a positive message that this kind of behaviour will not be tolerated. There is unlikely to be any discretion shown.
2. Priority Issue: Anti-social behaviour, Eastrington Ponds
Action: - This priority has been set after reports received from Eastrington Parish Council and members of the community have reported anti social behaviour around the area surrounding the ponds.
The behaviour has included littering, drinking and general lack of respect for the environment.
High visibility patrols have been increased by Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers, and these will continue, officers will speak to those using the area and ask them to be respectful.
Anyone found offending will be dealt with in a positive manner, bins are provided at the site and users are kindly asked to use them.
It is important that anyone witnessing anti-social behaviour reports it to the police preferably at the time it is occurring, we will aim to attend all reports and those we can’t make it to we will follow up and try and identify those involved so we can deal with them.
Work will continue with East Riding of Yorkshire Councils, anti social behaviour team, and letters will be sent to parents of those engaging in anti social behaviour, anyone committing criminal offences will be dealt with in a positive manner.
3. Priority Issue: - Underage drinking on the playing fields at Holme Upon Spalding Moor
Action: - A small number of reports have been received from residents of Holme Upon Spalding Moor that youths are drinking on the playing fields in Holme Upon Spalding Moor.
The team have increased foot patrols on the field and alcohol seizures have been made, the patrols will continue and youths in attendance will be spoken to about underage drinking and the consequences of it.
Residents are reminded that the playing field is a designated no drinking area which means that no-one can consume alcohol there whatever their age. Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers will require anyone with alcohol in their possession to surrender it, anyone who refuses commits an offence.
Licensing officers have also contacted local off licenses and advised them on selling alcohol to underage people and to be wary of adults who may be buying alcohol to supply to youngsters. Anyone selling alcohol to youths or supplying alcohol commits an offence and positive action will be taken in all cases.
Parents are asked to be aware of where there children are and what they are doing when they are out on evening, anyone drinking alcohol puts themselves in a very vulnerable position.
Officers will also use new powers under Policing and Crime Act 2009, which allows prosecution of youths for persistently possessing alcohol in a public place. Offenders can receive fines of up to £500.
4. Offenders brought to justice
The police and ASB team have worked together and as a result a local youth is now subject to an anti-social behaviour order, any breaches of this will be dealt with in a positive manner.
A local youth appeared at Beverley Youth Court on 27th July 2010, he was convicted of 2 criminal damage offences and ordered to complete 16 hours reparation work and pay a total amount of £435 compensation.
A local male and female have been charged with assault causing actual bodily harm following an incident in Sandholme in July 2010, where the victim was assaulted by 2 people one of whom had a baseball bat, the male was also charged with possession of an offensive weapon. One of these person was found guilty whilst the other was found not guilty. The guilty male is awaiting sentence.
A male from Blacktoft has been charged with theft, robbery and possession of a prohibited weapon, this case will be held at the crown court and a date is still to be fixed for the trial.
This same male has also had his vehicle seized in April by HM Revenue and Customs for using illegal diesel.
A Howden youth appeared at Goole Youth court on 14th July, after officers were called to the Blacktoft area following a report that youths were riding bikes in an anti social manner. The Youth was given a 6 month conditional discharge and has had 6 penalty points added to his licence, for taking a motor vehicle without the owners consent, driving with no insurance or licence.
A further youth also had his bike seized.
On 7th July 2 males were arrested in a stolen motor vehicle on Stoney Lane, Newport, the vehicle had been stolen from the Middlesborough area and the males were dealt with by officers from that force.
A further male was issued with an £80 penalty notice for disorder on 7th July following a disturbance in the street at Bubwith.
A local male was issued with a police caution following a minor assault at the Black Swan, Eastrington on 24th July 2010.
Another male has been charged with assault after an incident in the White Hart, North Cave also on 24th July, the male will appear at Beverley Magistrates Court.
A male was arrested on 27th July 2010, in Laxton after he was stopped in his vehicle by officers and found to be driving whilst over the limit; he has been charged with this offence and driving with no insurance or licence. He was found guilty of all the offences and given an interim driving disqualification. Further sentencing was postponed.
On 8th August 2010 a male local to the Holme on Spalding Moor area was given a police caution for production of cannabis following a seizure of plants from a local address.
On 24th August 2010 a male local to Gilberdyke appeared at Goole Magistrates charged with failing to provide a breath sample, driving with no insurance and disqualified driving. He was found guilty for all the charges and his sentencing has been postponed.
In September, officers from the NPT were made aware of a male who had been abusive to members of the public. He was located and issued with a £80 Fixed penalty Notice for disorder by one of the Neighbourhood Policing Teams PCSO’s
On 10th October 2010 officers from the NPT were called to a report of a male causing a nuisance in the Newport area. He was interviewed and issued with a £80 Penalty Notice for disorder.
Officers are currently investigating a report of a disturbance at the play park, Clementhorpe Road in Gilberdyke. Several youths have been arrested and interviewed and are currently on bail pending further enquiries.
A female has been arrested for assaulting a police officer during the early part of November and she too is on police bail pending further enquiries.
On 12th November 2010 a 15 year old male was arrested by officers from the NPT and he has been summonsed to appear at Goole and Howden Youth Court in the near future.
On 29th of November 2010 an 18 year old male was arrested by officers from the NPT for Section 5 Public Order. The male was issued with a fine.
Officers from the NPT are often in the Howdenshire area carrying out speed checks as one of the biggest complaints we have from residents is that of speeding. Numerous motorists have been verbally cautioned re their speed, others have received fixed penalty notices and some have been summonsed to court. If you believe that speeding is an issue in your area get in touch with us with your concerns.
5. Meetings
You are invited to attend any of the below meetings:
Police Surgery. Means: an opportunity for you to meet privately with a member of the neighbourhood team to discuss any policing issue of concern. This is a drop-in event so you may have to wait a few minutes.
Police and Communities Together Meeting . This is a public meeting where the police and other public authority representatives will be present. Its main purpose is to determine what the local priorities for action over the next three moths will be. It gives members of the public an opportunity to raise their concerns and influence those decisions.
Street Briefing. This means that the whole neighbourhood team will be briefed on current problems in the area and tasked to deal with them. The public can meet with the officers and be informed about how they can help with these issues.
Type: Police Surgery
Venue: Howden Library, Shire Hall, Market Place
Date: Monday 13th December 2010
Time: 5pm to 7pm
Type: Police Surgery
Venue: Howden Library, Shire Hall, Market Place
Date: Monday 17th January 2010
Time: 5pm to 7pm
Type: Police Surgery
Venue: Howden Library, Shire Hall, Market Place
Date: Monday 21st February 2010 2010
Time: 5pm to 7pm
6. News and Appeals
Winter home security
With the dark nights now with us, take time to review your home security. Make sure doors and windows are locked, security lighting is working along with burglar alarms and other security aids.
Many burglars target only empty homes. If you are going on holiday or even if you’re just out at work all day, try to make it look like someone is home and don’t advertise your absence.
Use time switches – available from most DIY stores – to switch on lights, radios and other appliances when you’re out or away.
If you’re going away, get a friend or neighbour to collect your post, draw your curtains and make your home look lived in.
If you are taking your car on holiday, ask a neighbour to park in your drive.
Remember to cancel milk and papers.
Write your home address on a piece of paper and keep it inside your suitcase. Make sure your address isn't visible from the outside.
Hide financial documents and keys – if someone does break in you don’t want them to also steal from your bank account or take your car.
Christmas also brings rich pickings for burglars and thieves. Keep presents and valuable out of sight especially if you are leaving them in your car.
As well as tackling the local priorities the team have been busy with crime prevention work. In partnership with the neighbourhood action team a number of events have been organised where members of the public can access crime prevention materials and advice, the next one in the Howden area will be at the Howden Show in July. If anyone would like a visit at home to discuss crime prevention issues please contact the team so we can arrange a suitable time.
Anyone with any information about crimes within the Howden ward are encouraged to contact the local NPT on 0845 6060222 ext 2243
Use Your Head This Christmas
The annual Christmas Drink / Driving campaign is now well underway and adverts will be on the TV and in the media emphasising the strong "Don't Drink and Drive" message. An important element of this are patrols by our officers and the stopping and testing of drivers believed to be under the influence of alcohol.
Breath tests can be administered:
1. At the scene of an accident.
2. If a moving vehicle offence has been observed.
3. If they suspect drink / drugs.
Whilst the message has got through to most drivers, there still remains that minority who are either prepared to "risk it" or who completely ignore the law and drive under the influence of alcohol. As Police Officers, my colleagues and I have all come across these people at various times. I had one a while ago who we found crashed in a ditch who, believe it or not, had only been charged and bailed for a similar offence earlier the same day!
These people are putting themselves, their passengers and innocent people in danger through their own selfish stupidity. This week's article is addressed at that minority and it can be summed up in one word:
- Would you want to be responsible for the death or serious injury of one of your family or one of your mates?
- Would you want to be responsible for the death or serious injury of a completely innocent person who becomes a victim through your selfishness and stupidity?
And from your own perspective:
- Would you want to go to prison if you killed or seriously injured someone through drink / driving?
- What would you and your family do if you were killed or seriously injured?
- Would you want to be banned for a minimum of a year if caught drink driving?
- Would you want to lose your job if you couldn't get to work?
- How would you then pay your bills?
- How would you support your family?
- How would it affect you wider than the above? (because it definitely would).
And if you think this doesn't happen, think again!
So the simple message is "Don't Drink and Drive this Christmas" or at any time. Our patrols are out and about working on the Christmas Drink / Drive campaign. Those suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol will be breathalysed. And remember, if you're found to be over the limit, the knock on effect could be permanent for you and others.
So, use your head! Don't do it!
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