Sunday, February 21, 2010

A new, progressive choice for everyone


Anonymous said...

Quite nauseating watching Mandelson on TV wittering on about Ashcroft not paying tax on money he earned outside the UK. Seems to me a classic case of Labours politics of envy.
Rearrange the words to form a well know phrase or saying - kettle, black, pot, the, calling

Anonymous said...

Labours Lord Paul situation is slowly being brought out into the open. Too slowly methinks!

Anonymous said...

Well Mr cameron you`ve missed two of the main policies that effect this country, immergration and Europe or would that be over stepping the mark.
When are you going to start acting like a proper conservative and start getting some tough policies together for these two main areas like very strict border controls and the total pull out of europe which is bleeding us dry. Me myself have been a life long conservative but I will not be voting for them this coming election. The party to me are too undecided in there views this is why in the opinion polls show there`s a good chance of it being a hung parliament. When you think this is very embarrasing for the conservatives when labours goal has been wide open and you Mr cameron have not put the goals away. I am not speaking just for myself I am speaking for a lot of past conservative voters. So if you want our votes back get your act in order and give this now a cesspit of a country, thanks to Labour, the direction it deserves.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Watching that sky debate its right what Nigel Farage from ukip said, you could not get a cig paper between these partys on there policies. All mamby pamby as far as immagration and europes concerned. I use to be a conservative but I cannot bring myself round in voting for cameron, to me he's clegg or a brown in a blue rosette. The conservative party to me have simply no direction whatsoever and thats why you have a very possible hung parliament situation. If cameron got his act together and had this countries interests at heart, he would of been running away with it as far as the opinion polls are concerned. They all go on about stopping people coming in outside the E.U, and they think they have jumped through hoops for you in as far of sorting immergration. But its people in the E.U thats flooding this country and putting strain on our services. Fair enough if they have a skill we can use and are going to contribute into the system then we should take them in, if we have no one available. But why should somone outside the E.U be refused entry if the have vital skills we need rather than somone unskilled thats within E.U that can come here willy nilly. The law should be that it applies to every country in the world. My answer is total pull out of europe let them get on with it, and start governing ourselves, and start being Great Britain again, instead of being europes dumping ground.