When I checked, I found this is coming from the tip alongside the M62 adjacent to Gilberdyke’s Leatherdog Lane, blowing across the fields and getting caught in the hedgerows and fences, particularly along the side of Newport’s Thimblehall Lane and the hedgerows between.
When I looked closer the amount of litter coming from the tip is quite widespread and clearly not acceptable. I have asked the Council’s public protection officers to look into this. I have also had a number of historic complaints from the farmer of the land south of the tip regarding surface water run-off and potential pollution.
The owners of the tip have recently made an application to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council to extend the life of the site. This follows a similar extension approved in 2006. Whilst the site is technically in Gilberdyke Parish the HGV movements to and from the site are almost all via Newport’s Thimblehall Lane. A number of people have raised issues around this application to vary the condition on the life of this site.
I hope that this application will be heard before the Council’s Strategic Planning Committee (which is made up of Councillors) rather than be determined by Council Officers under delegated powers. This would allow for a full and frank debate and for residents to be given the opportunity to put their points to the Committee.
I feel that Newport Parish Council should be fully consulted on this planning application because of the HGVs travelling to the site down Thimblehall Lane.
Details of the application can be found by clicking here
If you wish to comment on the application please write to: Pete Ashcroft, Head of Planning, ERYC, County Hall, Beverley, HU17 9BA – or by email at pete.ashcroft@eastriding.gov.uk quoting reference. Application 11/00931/STVARE, Gilberdyke Landfill Site, Leatherdog Lane, Newport
It bloody stinks as well Paul!
ERYC are likely to try to push this planning application for extension of life through as it saves them the problem of finding somewhere else to dump landfill waste. Clearly the present regime is not adequate to control the amount of detritus blowing about and polluting OUR environment.
The time has come to get the ERYC officers out of their offices and visiting the site UNANNOUNCED and heavy penalties applied for allowing waste to blow or leak from the site.
Clear up costs to be met by the operator!
Anonymous said.
I have called the site last week to complain and they have told me that the site has been taken over by a new owners and is undergoing various environmental improvements that have been agreed by the Environmental Agency and Local authority.
The site has been poorly run over the past 12 months and i have personnally seen an improvement over recent weeks and hope this continues.
They told me that the old operator run the site poorly and that it will take 6-7 weeks to get things turned round and will fully net the site to stop wind born litter getting off the site and have employed 6 new staff to keep things tidy
I am not happy with the current situation and recent planning applications but understand it is a commercial buisness and they need to operate and they already have planning i suppose we should give them time to see if what they say is true
I will be keeping a close eye on the site over the coming weeks and hope the operator sticks to there words.
They have planning permission to operate up to a certain height - not as high as they want.
It is importnat that ERYC monitor the height and apply a prohibition notice if they have exceeded the height, if they allow litter to spread on the wind or allow water borne pollution to adjacent land.
Roy Hunt
I'd love to know where the person lives who has stated that they have seen improvements over the past few weeks. Certainly not on Thimblehall Lane where we have to put up with 70-80 lorries travelling to the site six days a week.
Our family have lived here for over thirty years and never once had cause to complain about the site, until two months ago when the traffic to the site increased tenfold.
It's disgusting and is ruining the village. We can not open windows due to the smell, can not hang washing out, it's effecting day to day life now and is beyond a joke.
Thimblehall Lane has already been damaged due to the volume of traffic, the litter all over the trees and road is a disgrace.Something needs to be done. Another resident on Thimblehall Lane has started a petition today and I would hope that everyone would sign it.
You make a good point about the increased vehicle movements, I met the ladies with the petition as I was delivering leaflets this evening - had a short chat about how we move forward. Really impressed with them for taking a lead on this... well done!
there is already an ancient lane from the main road opposite Tongue Lane to the entrance to the tip. with a judicious laying of stone this could provide a solution to the problem of HGVs using Thimblehall (Station Road to the old timers). Why this wasn't made a condition of the first planning application is unbelievable.
Regarding Anonymous's suggestion about the ancient lane, this lane goes back into history, appearing in the Bishopsoil enclosure awards. It can also be found in the Railways Act documentation for the Hull to Barnsley railway. At one time it provided a "highway" from Faxfleet to the lands to the North of Sandholme and there are traces that it connected via Packmans Lane to Sandholme and beyond to Eastrington via lanes across the common.
Much of this material has calorific value, why can't it be burnt at Drax and other power stations. They have filters and can clean the small amount of gasses given off that is dumped. The volume of rubbish diminishes to a very respectable level, a fraction of what it was in the firt place. Unfilled plastics(Chemistry term in that it does not contain a filler in the plastic such as calcium carbonate, clay etc..) will burn to practically nothing. For once a coal fired power station could help get rid of the rubbish that can't be recycled and provide power and keep the country side a lot cleaner. OK this is a short term solution but we do need to reduce the waste from our homes but there is a finite limit, there will always be waste. The bigger picture is always there.
Modern coal fired stations such as Eggborough and Drax use, in the main, pulverised fuel boilers. Pulverised Fuel is basically coal ground into the fineness of face powder and blown into the combustion chamber in an airstream. This would be very difficult (expensive) to adapt to burn plastic bags and similar. It might be feasible to use chain-grate stokers to burn this sort of rubbish mixed with coal but the old chain grate power stations (Such as Keadby Bridge was) are by and large now decommissioned. There will be a number of suitable heating plants around the country that might be able to burn this waste but possibly only on a seasonal basis.
Maybe fluidised bed burners could use it but a lot of development might still be required.
Is any one able to tell me who I need to contact to sign the petition?
A phenominal turnout of objectors at Gilberdyke Parish Council meeting when the proposal to extend the life of the dump came up for planning comment. The residents are setting up an action team to press home their objections.
Quite frankly this tip has created problems for the adjacent residents for many years and now the end of its planned life in november is approaching it should be capped and all operations cease.
Have a look at the anti-tip website http://www.itstinks.net/
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