During the public session of the recent Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 12th July 2011, the individual who has fought the Parish Council ‘tooth and nail’ for month after month delivered what is hoped was his final inaccurate salvo, when he stated that in his opinion the new system will not work. It was pointed out that the system had been designed by Mason Clark Associates in conjunction with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s drainage engineers and the Lower Ouse Internal Drainage Board, and the likelihood of all the professional people involved in designing and putting the project together, and the contractors, all getting it wrong was slim. It was also pointed out that all his concerns had been previously addressed by Eddy Allen, the Clerk to the Drainage Board.
It was further explained in considerable detail how the system within the village dovetails with further works planned to lower and widen the dykes down to the river at Blacktoft, where a new large pumping station is to be installed. This larger project will benefit the much wider area than just Gilberdyke, and will also prevent the tidal effects we see in Far Drain as the water rises and falls at the outlet to Phase 1.
As the work on phase 1 reaches its conclusion the Parish Council has to consider the future of this important section of the redeveloped drainage system. It has been established that the strip of land above the run of the new culvert (that was the original dyke) is still in the ownership of the developer.
The Parish Council is very concerned and disappointed to learn that even before the first phase is completed some residents of Scalby Lane and Chestnut Drive properties are attempting to ‘land grab’ sections of this strip of land as theirs - even though it is owned by another party. This ‘land grabbing’ has to cease and it has to be realised that such actions compromise the future maintenance of this critical drainage system for the whole of the village and surrounding area.
It was agreed by the Parish Council that the next important step was to ensure the future safety and secure maintenance of the new system, and would approach the actual owner of the strip of land above the run of the drain, with a view to the Council taking on the responsibility for and to ensure control of this section. A meeting has been arranged for early August.
“I was disappointed that even after the work has been almost completed the Parish Council is still subject to accusations from the same individual, who has been lightening quick in attempting to claim part of the land above the run of the new culvert for himself. I have visited a number of the properties affected by the work and spoken to many residents, most of which seem very impressed by the standard of work and the way the site has been left, as with projects of this size there are always some very minor issues around replanting of shrubs and landscaping that require addressing – but which I’m confident will be cleared up as soon as possible. More importantly the affected residents I have spoken to are very happy with how their gardens have been left, and I hope this serves as a reassurance to those residents who will be affected by the further two phases which are to be carried out shortly”.
Its very noticeable that this morning (Thursday)the level of water in the open section of dyke betweeen 6 & 7 Scalby Lane, which is connected to the new pipe and eventually to the main drain, is low despite the heavy rains we have had over the last few days. If the new pipe doesn't work then why is the water not backed up here for all to see?
Lets keep in mind the main critic is not a drainage expert or an engineer in any discipline at all. By his own claims he is a butcher by trade (as he was at pains to point out in one of his published documents when the council elections were approaching).
Having read the Goole Times today with Mr Whitleys input to the article about the flood scheme. I find it utterly unbelievable that he now alleges he is the owner of part of the drain at the bottom of his garden. I lost count of the number of times in the last three years he stated he had never purchased any land outside his fence and had no responsibility for the dyke. How amazing that now his bit of interference with the watercourse has been corrected, he changes his stance presumably in the hope of securing some personal advantage.
It is also perhaps fortunate that the torrential rain over the last few days had the new pipe installed to allow the water to readily escape from the village into the Far Drain. Let us hope that the Westbrook residents see phases 2 and 3 installed rapidly so that they can sleep at night.
Presumably the drainage board or the ERYC legal department will now issue this guy with a legal notice to keep off the route of the culvert. He pretty soon caved in when he got the legal notice for the culvert to go in from the drainage board. He postures but has no substance when push comes to shove especially when he is in the wrong as in this case.
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