The owner has been to subject of many complaints from residents for well over a year now. The East Riding of Yorkshire Council carried out an investigation, and agreed with residents that the land was in such a state as to be damaging to the amenity of the area.
Requests were made to the owner of the land to have the land tidied, but this did not happen. A Waste Land Notice under s215 of the Town and Country Planning Acts was therefore served on the 9 April 2008 and gave until the 11 June 2008 to comply with the notice by tidying the land.
Unfortunately the notice was not complied with and the owner made an Appeal to the Goole Magistrates Court. The owner's appeal was rejected at the Goole Magistrates Court on the 3 March 2009 and he was ordered to pay Costs of £3,449.50 The notice now takes effect on the 1 April 2009 and the land must be tidied by the 1 May 2009.
Hopefully this will send out a clear message to those individuals who persist with wanton acts of selfishness in allowing gardens and land in general to become eyesores, that damage the amenity of our communities.
1 comment:
I agree that people who 'wantonly' tip rubbish or fail to tidy their gardens to the detriment of others should be taken to task. However, can we not begin with ensuring that any rubbish that is left out for collection is actually collected and not rejected by those tasked with the job on the grounds that it isn't enclosed within the wheelie bin?
Do councils not know that not all household waste can fit neatly into a wheelie bin?
Do they not know that not everyone can take larger items to Airmyn tip?
Do they not know that people really don't have the funds spare to pay the council yet again to collect the rubbish they have already paid to have collected via their council tax?
Do they not know that the rubbish that is accumulating is a direct result of the Councils' drive to reduce the amount of household waste they collect...sorry that should read 'reduce the amount of landfill' to avoid excess landfill charges.
Instead of fining householders who have an accumulation of rubbish on the properties, they could start by doing what they are paid to do and COLLECT THE RUBBISH.
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