As the clock was ticking down on the Gilberdyke/Newport Landfill Site Tip operators City Plant Ltd agreed to move around 70,000 cubic metres of waste from overtipped areas of the site to bring the height down to the levels stipulated in the Environment Agency permit. The proposal has been accepted and approved by the Agency following an Enforcement Notice served last month because the tip operator was not complying with the permit’s condition regarding height. City Plant Ltd has now agreed to reduce the waste to levels set out in the permit by using available capacity in other areas of the site.
The company has also demonstrated that there will be remaining capacity on the site even after the waste has been moved. This has been independently verified by Environment Agency contractors who spent a day at the landfill to make sure this was a workable solution.
It has been confirmed that the Environment Agency has withdrawn the original notice and served City Plant Ltd with a revised Enforcement Notice which allows the company to resume taking in waste - but stipulates that it must act on its commitment to reduce the height of the landfill in certain areas. The operator has two months to appeal against the revised notice.
Environment Agency Regulatory Officer Leigh Sayers said: “We are pleased that City Plant Ltd has responded promptly to our enforcement action and come up with a viable solution. The notice has served its purpose and as a result the company will no longer be prevented from taking in waste. “It is important that we control the amount of waste at the site and we will be making sure that City Plant Ltd puts its plan in place and complies with its permit. Our action has delivered a positive result which could see the site filled earlier than anticipated.”
The visual height of the landfill is the responsibility of East Riding of Yorkshire Council as the local planning authority.
I am a pleasantly surprised that City Plant Ltd has undertaken to reduce the height of the Tip to the levels stipulated in the permit, and this should not be taken lightly. Clearly the threat of a stop notice served to focus the minds of the company. There is no doubt that the Environment Agency had to lift the stop notice when the Company committed to reducing the height to the required level. What is not clear is the course of action the East Riding of Yorkshire Council will take as far as enforcement, because the levels in the EA permit are somewhat higher than those levels conditioned in the recent planning consent issued to City Plant Ltd.
And so the prevaricating continues. What happened to all the professed determination to stop the suffering by the poor people living along the access roads? What will the council now do that will be of any use at all?
Let us face it Paul - City Plant will wriggle, use every trick in the book and still the officials will be wringing their hands and inventing reasons to avoid confronting this bandit gang.
East Riding Council PULL YOUR FINGER OUT!
Please will someone stop the onslaught. Where do I turn to for effective help?
if i went to the eryc planning committee to get permission to build a bungalow and built a block of flats they would soon be on my back to pull them down so why wont they do the same with nyromax sorry city plant ltd
Went past the tip on the M62 today, they're still tipping, so it's still going upwards........
What a ridiculous carry on. We had a chance to stop the torrent until the operators played the system once more and apparently caved in to the Environment Agency. We wait to see some evidence of lowering of the level but its more than likely that they will be seen to make a start but pour waste in faster than ever. At some point they will announce that they can only achieve compliance by either transporting waste off site again or have to be granted an increase in permitted level.
Surely someone can see they are simply playing the system?
ERYC need to get their planning contravention notices served now and not wait for the situation to deteriorate further.
What it needs is to find out where the city plant directors live then enlist the spaldington composter to spray their houses with a tanker full of special soup number one. Lets see how living with a foul stink goes down with them!
I heard Burnsy on Radio Humberside this morning asking people to send in suggestions for tourist attractions of East Yorkshire. Needless to say the mountains of Gilberdyke and the associated seagull nature reserve were mentioned among the first items he read out.
Despite various promises and an alleged start date of last Wednesday to begin reducing the overtipped part to 8 metres not one sign of reduction taking place. In fact the height is still increasing. Just how stupid do city plant think we locals are?
Hi Guys
Many thanks for your many, many comments on this issue, almost all of which are very critical of both the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and the Environment Agency. Due to my previous altercation with the Standards Board I am unable to publish these - as the comments are seen to be mine.... and I don't wish to be again hauled before the Standards Committee to waste more tax payers money.
I do read, and keep all comments and will pass them to the Council and the Environmant Agency as required.
Please keep sending the comments, even if I cannot publish them.
Here's a comment from me that you can publish Paul. I do not believe any progress towards reducing the height of the tip has been demonstrated. To reduce from almost 20 metres to 8 within three months requires some serious effort.
I wonder if any local aero enthusiasts would be able to supply photographs of what is hidden from view?
From a very suspicious John Jessop
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