The problem appears to be confusion with lorries following a Satnav when travelling to the Broomfleet Works of Sandtoft Tilleries, and confusion with a HU15 postcode directing them to the village. Both these factors result in heavy lorries destined for the tile works finding themselves in the village, and having to turn around or back up, especially when they get to the weak bridge and weight limit sign at the end of Main Street.
To have the software on Satnav systems changed is very difficult and can take a long time to be effective. But I have asked the ERYC to look at whether the signage can be improved and if additional signage directing HGVs to the tile works can be installed, particularly in Newport at the junction where vehicles turn off the B1230 onto Wallingfen Lane, but also at other routes to Broomfleet.
I have spoken to Sandtoft Tilleries and I’m reassured that they are doing their bit in directing delivery lorries via Gilberdyke’s Tongue Lane, including giving out the DN14 postcode for the road at Oxmardyke.
Tongue Lane isn't particularly strongly built either. Lets hope that when we get the economy back on an even keel someone can remember Gilberdyke needs an alternative access to the industrial estate. This might be sensibly created along Tongue Lane and the South side of the railway.
Every time labour have been in power they have crippled the economy then the other parties have had the job of putting it right again.
Then the conservative party do the same and the cycle starts over..... I have a longer memory..... Lets hope this time things get done right and stay right and allow local parish councils to get to grips with whats needed and best for the community.
I think your exacly right - Parish Councils must be given more power in local decision making. Please see a previous post at:
No Anonymous you may claim a longer memory but its not an accurate one. The other parties, (including the conservatives) have to pick up the pieces when labour have made their usual mess of things by throwing money about on uneconomically justifiable dogma. Labour make the mess, others get the unpopularity of the repair measures.
Tilleries - Tileries surely Paul? As in a works or factory to produce tiles not tills
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