This is the first phase culvert, that once complete will allow the East Riding of Yorkshire Council to install and connect the next two phases of the new drain up to the properties on Station Road, Westbrook Road and Westbrook Crescent that were flooded in 2007.
The whole project will lessen the flood risk to all properties in the village by reducing the pressure on the Yorkshire Water pumped sewage system during times of heavy rainfall, which we saw during the floods.
There were times in the past 2½ years when I wondered if the village would see this work start, but needless to say after all the obstacles put in the way of the Parish Council and the community as a whole we are moving ahead.
Thanks to Eddy Allen of the Lower Ouse Internal Drainage Board, East Riding of Yorkshire Council Drainage Engineers, Gilberdyke Parish Councillors, members of the Gilberdyke Flood Action Group and most importantly the residents for sticking with this through some particularly difficult times.
The security fence around the stack of pipes seems to have already suffered the attention of idiots after only a couple of days
So John Jessop what did you or the parish council do before the flood, I suspect nothing.
The draiage board was like all of us caught napping. We none of us expected rain like that, or are you saying we were alone in the floods? Iam glad that the council has got all the permission in place, before starting,or have they
Before the floods I went about my life as most other people did, however unlike some I kept my property drainage watercourses open. After the floods I joined with the residents who had been affected, worked with them in the Parish Council created Flood Action Group and together we saw the production of the Mason Clark report which was instrumental in forcing reluctant authorities to start remedial works and obtain funding towards improvements. Until that time most residents were unaware of the parlous state of the drainage systems of the village due to neglect, land grabbing, amateur interference and general disinterest.
You are probably quite aware that the phase 1 works are presently stalled by the actions of one landowner but do not assume that this will continue to be the case.
Please note also the correct spelling of Drainage Board. Your mis-spelling gives me a pretty good idea of who you are.
You make an interesting, but sadly misinformed statement yet again anonymous – the Parish Council did a considerable amount of work after the flooding in 2000 and in 2003. I was certainly involved in a number of multi-agency meetings that did result in some work being done. It was not until after the 2007 floods that the Parish Council took the lead and employed Mason Clarke to investigate the issues and come up with a series of recommendations, resulting in the work now taking place. Unfortunately you continue to try and personalise the issue which is rather sad – perhaps if you yourself had done a little more to help rather than carp and criticise, and hide behind the mask of anonymity the work would now be complete…
John Jessop is not perfect, neither am I, but for you to criticise him in this way whilst hiding behind that mask of anonymity is perhaps just a little cowardly…
I hear your chief obstructor had his aspirations to be a labour candidate dashed at the selection meeting. Apparently the vote was all in favour of his opponent from my village.
He seems to be fast running out of friends,
To weatherwatcher. So far the individual you refer to has tried to be an activist for the Lib-Dems, Jumped ship and joined the Labour Party, only to see the other candidate for selection as Howden Candidate be given a unanimous vote. Now he is apparently trying to get into the East Yorkshire Independent party. This vacillation demonstrates his lack of credibility.
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