This is typified by the relationship the College has developed to deliver the ATA (Automotive Training Arm) for BMW in nearby Thorne. This is a move away from the concept of College education having to be delivered in a College building – I certainly feel education can be delivered in many different ways and not necessarily in a formal educational building or establishment, and if this can be provided effectively and efficiently in partnership with business it is surely one way of delivering the same, or more, for less money.
An nice to see that there are some practical engineering skills to be learnt by the students instead of just media related courses.
Maybe Goole can start to look up again? Its not that many years ago the town had a shipbuiding industry, two mills, a chemical works, decent rail connections to its docks, road hauliers and a thriving town centre.
Since the demise of the industrial and commercial base the town lost its self respect and became a run down shadow of its former self. Lets hope getting the youth into engineering education is a start.
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