Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gilberdyke Consultation On Future Housing Requirements

Many thanks to all those Gilberdyke residents who attended the Parish Council’s recent consultation event on future housing provision, and the two proposed speed limit reductions in the village. Over 100 people called in during the day to look at the proposals and give their thoughts.

The East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) Local Development Framework (LDF) Preferred Approach Core Strategy suggests Gilberdyke be allocated limited further housing development in the years leading up to 2026.

At the beginning of 2010 Gilberdyke had 45 dwellings that had received planning consent - but had yet to be built. The LDF proposal is for a further 125 dwellings being constructed in the years to 2026, and between 2.5 and 4.2 hectares of land will be required for these houses to be constructed.18 possible sites have been identified in and around the village - totalling some 58.15 hectares; consequently there are choices as to which of the sites will be allocated for this future housing, and priorities as to the order in which the land is released. It is this that the ERYC is consulting with residents.

For a larger scale map click here
For details and sizes of individual parcels of land click here

It seemed that the need for some additional housing in the next 15 years was accepted in principle by most, with the old Railway Hotel site (GIL12 on the map) being the most favoured, with various other sites receiving different levels of support.

It was acknowledged by most that the only way that the old Railway Hotel site, which forms the eyesore at the entrance to the village when coming in by rail could be improved from its overgrown brick rubble strewn state, is for it to be developed. Although concerns were raised regarding the flood risk associated with the site.

The issue of general flooding was raised by a number of residents, with most of the questions surrounding the planned flood relief works to be carried out by ERYC working together with the Lower Ouse Internal Drainage Board and the Parish Council – all of which were answered.

There were a number of people commenting about the capacity of Gilberdyke Health Centre to accommodate more Gilberdyke residents, and also residents from neighbouring villages. This includes Newport where an additional 71 houses are also proposed over the next 15 years - in addition to the 14 that already have planning consent.

There were also comments regarding the parking outside the Gilberdyke Health Centre, and questions as to whether car-parking provision could be linked to the suggested new housing.

Questions were also raised regarding where the occupiers of new housing would work, and proposed industrial developments around junction 38.

The speed limits proposals received differing responses. The 20mph zone in the centre of the village was certainly popular and received a great deal of support, with the general feeling that speeding must be policed better than it is now, and numerous people requested that no speed humps are installed. The proposed reduction from 40mph to 30mph on the Main Road (B1230) received mixed views - just over half did not want to see any reductions, and of those that did, some wanted to see the speed limit extended westwards to the entrance to the Ings View Sports Field.

If you have any further comments or thoughts on the LDF Housing proposals please email:


Anonymous said...

The jobs situation should be addressed before the village expands much more. Any industry allowed must NOT be accessed by using routes through the village streets though. Also needing careful thought is the medical centre and its parking.

Flood victim said...

I hope the sewers and drains are taken into consideration if more houses are allowed. We don't need another flood.

Anonymous said...


Why can Gilberdyke have this consultation and we in HOSM can't? Is there anything you can do to help?


Sands Lane

Anonymous said...

You mention the eyesore which meets people coming off the train. Don't forget we have another eyesore at the corner of Thornton Dam Lane and the main road. Probably more people see that than see the station hotel site. Surely somebody can do something to get it cleaned up

Paul Robinson said...

You make a good point about the so called eyesore at the end of Thornton Dam Lane - to do something about it is not for the lack of trying by the Parish Council and the ERYC. To establish exacly what the householder is doing wrong appears to be the difficulty.

Anonymous said...

How about running a car repair business from residential premises? It doesn't take a genius to drive by frequently but most especially at weekends and see numerous different cars undergoing body repairs, bonnet up engine work, every sort of repair you can imagine and the tatty old trailer which fills with junk before being emptied ready for the next fill up. Add to that the work in progress parked at the opposite side of the road. Someone in East Riding Council simply isn't doing their job

Anonymous said...

I thought running a business from a domestic dwelling needed planning permission for a change of use? If you are suggesting it doesn't anyone can simply start up whatever they like wherever and whenever they like.
Maybe a foundry in the middle of Greenacre Park would not get the same acceptance by ERYC?