Sunday, November 30, 2008

He doesn't sleep, he waits

I found this on which seems very apt today.........

Over the last few days there has been one backbencher who has excelled even his Shadow Cabinet seniors in articulating the outrage felt in the Conservatives, the Commons and the wider world at the shameful arrest and detention of a Member of Parliament.

This man had dominated the television news coverage all weekend, expressing his support for his successor. The going is getting tough now for the Tories. Not only are they fighting a political party, but now they are fighting the entire might of a corrupt regime. A regime that uses the police to stamp out opposition.

When the going gets tough there is only one man who the Conservatives need back at the centre of their team.

He's a man that could strangle you with a cordless phone...

A man who doesn't read books, merely staring at them until he gets all the information he needs...

A man who can slam a revolving door...

A man who doesn't wear a watch because he decides what time it is...

The reason Wally is hiding...

The person the bogey man checks under his bed for...

It's time to bring him back..........
....... David Davis

Friday, November 28, 2008

Newport 'NAG's search for Allotments Land

A number of Newport residents have come together to form an allotments group (NAGs) to initially identify a site for allotments within the community, highlighting the growing enthusiasm for allotments as people increasingly seek to grow and develop their own food. Unfortunately, despite numerous efforts by the Parish Council and others no land has been found. Although there is hope of land available in neighbouring Gilberdyke. The subject of allotments was also raised at a planning presentation I attended this week.

Just as common land was being "enclosed" in the 18th and 19th centuries, the allotment sprung up as a link to a happier, more rural past. The Small Holdings and Allotment Act of 1908 required local authorities to provide land for cultivation, and the restrictions on development were stricter than now.

Some residents may be able to recall that during the Second World War some 1.4m allotments were dug for victory, and today there are still around 300,000. A typical allotment can return an annual yield of £300 of produce, and charges range from about £25 to £120 per year. Most charmingly, an allotment plot is officially 10 poles, a "pole" being the length from the back of the plough to the nose of the ox. (In today's money, I'm told by a reliable source that one gets 4 allotments to the acre)

The high cost of food and the modern enthusiasm for all things organic has heightened desire for allotments, and as we see in Newport there is a demand and in other areas waiting lists stretch to many years for some plots. And, of course, the allotment boasts its own cultural institution – the shed, where a man or woman may enjoy the solitary pleasures of the seed catalogue. Long may the allotment flourish.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Mr Gordon Brown, are you totally Mad?

I don't normally get all that much involved with national politics on my blog, but today I'm totally sickened by the actions of our prime minister Gordon Brown and his subservient sidekick Mr Darling.

This Labour Government plan to mortgage all of our futures for the hope of a few cheap headlines in the run up to the next general election.

This is the most cynical, deceitful piece of political spin than what we have seen from this totally discredited Government.

A tax con dressed up as a tax cut that will actually raise fuel duty, beer duty, national insurance rates and even income tax. Borrowing levels will rise to a level never seen in the long long history of Great Britain. These are the tax rises Labour MPs have just cheered -

£20 billion on National Insurance
£10 billion on income tax
£5 billion on alcohol and cigarettes
£2 billion on pensions

These increases amount to nearly £1,500 for every family over the next Parliament - and by 2012/13, anyone earning more than £20,000 will be paying more tax.

Our national debt will reach £1 trillion and families will be hit by the tax time bomb for years to come. This announcement was more about the survival of this worn out Government than it was about our country's economic fortunes.

So Mr Brown, are you totally mad? It is surely time for you and your cohorts to go......

Gilberdyke and Howden Underage Drinking Project

Last Friday evening (the coldest of the year so far I’m told) I spent out in Gilberdyke with the Howden and Howdenshire Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s), Sgt Jo Mathews, and Safer Communities East Riding Officer Paul Green, as part of a campaign aimed at reducing the number of adults buying alcohol for underage drinkers. This was the second evening, with the first being in Howden a couple of weeks ago.

The shops and garages selling alcohol in Gilberdyke and Howden are very much aware of underage drinking and I believe that all outlets are very vigilant when it comes to sales of alcohol to people under 18. Unfortunately there are a number of adults (people over 18) who are legally buying alcohol - and then illegally either passing to or selling to underage drinkers, and it is those adults the campaign is aimed at.

If you know of shops in your area that sell alcohol to young people, or if you know of adults who buy it on their behalf please call CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111

For more information on Safer Communities East Riding please click on the following link:

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Golden Generation Event - Bubwith


Bubwith Leisure Centre 10:00am to 12 noon
Tuesday 25th November 2008

The Goole and Howdenshire Local Action Team is holding A “Golden Generation” event at Bubwith Leisure Centre on 25th November 2008. It is aimed for those aged over 55, or care for someone over this age, who wish to find out more about the local services in their area including the Police, Fire, the Local Authority, Health and Voluntary sectors. Details are still being finalised but should include the following:

• Enjoying your retirement
• Advice on crime prevention at home
• Dental advice
• Dietary information
• Antisocial behaviour
• Supporting people 45+ back to work
• Transport
• Coping on your own
• Free home fire safety checks
• Staying in your own home
• Grants
• Advice from doctors’ general practice
• Benefits advice
• Carer support
• Staying warm
• Adult education courses
• Blood pressure and other monitoring by community matrons
• Healthy Eating
• Falls Prevention
• Chiropody advice
• Fair priced and good quality tradesmen
• Aids and adaptations for the home

Staff from the various agencies will be present together with advice leaflets and
information. Feel free to drop in anytime between 10 and 12 noon and enjoy a
cup of tea or coffee with a slice of cake.

For any further information please don't hesitate to contact me.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Spaldington Composter's Planning Appeal Dismissed

Spaldington residents have found victory at the end of a hard fought campaign to protect themselves from the obnoxious stink and bio-security risks associated with the composting of animal bi-products (see posts passim). The appeal against the planning refusal made by a composter located in Spaldington, being dismissed by the Planning Inspector.

• The appeal was made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission under section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the development of land without complying with conditions subject to which a previous planning permission was granted.

• The appeal was made against the decision of East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

• The application Ref DC/06/08259/STVAR/STRAT, dated 8 September 2006, was refused by notice dated 7 May 2008.

• The application sought the variation of conditions attached to a planning permission Ref DC/05/03826/PLF/WESTWW, dated 20 January 2006 for the change of use of a building for composting purposes.

• The conditions in dispute were Nos 2 and 9 which state respectively that: “All compost on this site shall be produced from the following materials only: wood chip, biodegradable green waste, salad waste, feathers, eggshells, pig hair. There shall be no use of fish by-products and no more than 1000 cubic metres of compost produced at any one time with the buildings hereby approved unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.” and “Spreading of waste shall be restricted to a maximum of 10 days per year and shall not take place outside the following times: Monday – Thursday (9.00am – 4.00pm); there shall be no spreading of composting on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays or on Bank Holidays.”.

• The reasons given for both conditions were: “In order to protect the amenities of nearby residents”.

Decision - The appeal is dismissed.

For full details of the decision please click link below:

Sunday, November 09, 2008

On the 'Picket Line' as part of the 11 MILLION National Takeover Day

On 7th November I was invited by members of the East Riding Youth Assembly to take part in the 11 MILLION national takeover day, a day of action where young people could have their voices and opinions heard, and have the opportunity to influence the decision makers at the East Riding of Yorkshire Council. This was a national initiative and young people in the East Riding participated by asking for petition signatures, in order to challenge the council in continuing to find ways of allowing young people to have their voices heard within the workings of the authority.

This included being part of a mock ‘picket’ outside County Hall in Beverley, waving placards and obtaining signatures on the petitions. Needless to say there was noise, laughter and a real sense of fun - not only from the young people but also from those ERYC officers and members of the public offering their genuine support in signing the petitions.

There was some interesting reactions from some when they realised a Conservative councillor was involved on a ‘Picket Line’ including one of my first signatories - UNISON’s Syd Cunliffe, whom I know shares my desire for younger people to be more involved in the decision making processes that affect them, be it as young peoples representatives on council committees or as young members of a union. (picured with UNISON's Syd Cunliffe)

11 MILLION is the organisation led by the children's commissioner for England which makes sure that adults listen to the views of young people. For more information please click on the link below.

For more information on the East Riding Youth Assembly please click the link below: